Monday, November 10, 2008

What Buerger's looks like

This is a bit gross but I am doing this to see if his ulcers get better over time. I finally talked him into taking pictures to document and see the progress. NO more guesswork if his finger or toe is looking better. Without further ado here here are the pictures of my dh's finger and toe.

This is a front view because we wanted to catch the amount of swelling his finger is having and if it is getting better. The black part on the forefinger side is what is an ulcer and what they are unsure of if it is gangrene. He still has feeling in this finger so I tend to think it's not gangrene. Isn't gangrene that part is dead. If it is dead you wouldn't be able to feel it, right?

Here is a closeup of the ulcer. The doctors have been having him put iodine on this part to dry out the dead skin and let the skin underneath grow. As you can see it's not all that nice. Two things to note here. One is there seems to be a chuck missing on the front of his finger and that the swelling seems to stop at the knuckle before the ulcer. Can you see why my hubs may be in some serious pain here?
This is his toe. Doctors are not quite as concerned about this as it isn't black. It is causing a discomfort, itching and shooting pain but overall at the moment his finger seems to be bothering him more. I can see why they don't want him walking on this all that much.
Here is an overall shot of hubbs foot. Can you see the ulcer on the third toe? His other skin seems to be drying out as well.
We didn't take pictures of the one on the ball of his foot as it does seem visibly much better and on the way out the door.

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