Friday, July 24, 2009

Down the Rabbit hole

Wonderland is calling and everything there will be completely foreign to us.

Our plans are moving along. We have begun packing and I try to get a few boxes done everyday. We officially have a date drum roll please......August 10. Dh had been toying with the idea of trying to make it to work for another 2 years. I get what he is trying to do but it won't work. He knows that if we have 2 more years then we get about half his pay. He can support us on half his pay down there. Without it we need to look elsewhere to make up for the lack of income. This means I will be job hunting and Dh will be taking over our homeschool. For simplicity in the move we decided to go with an online virtual school this year-connections Academy.We toyed with the idea of leaving Austin here so he can go to his beloved Rock Show in September. His grandparents would take good care of him. In the end it was decided he needed to be with us as a family because we are moving as a family.

We have been getting updates from family as to what is happening on the property. The property has been virtually empty for years. Dh's father has gone down there about every other year to make sure the main upkeep is taken care of. But visiting and fixing things that you see need mending and living there and seeing things that need mending are two entirely different things. We had to hire someone to clear the property up a bit mostly just by all the buildings. Then we had a new well dug. We have a couple of them out there but they are only 200 ft. and have alot of iron in the. Plus I think only one still has a pump. Anyway our new well is 400ft. We also needed to put about 4 inches of dirt down, level it and compact it for the house site. Then it was ready for the House. Dh's relatives have been down there taking pic's of the progress for us. NOW have to figure out how to get them out of my email to my computer and I will share them with you. It seems all the changes after 20+ years caused much excitement down there. Everyone is coming down to our property to check out what we are doing. We got a great modular home, its simply gorgeous and has the added benefit of being on one level so it will be easy for Dh to navigate the entire home as opposed to just the upstairs that he can now. We are supposed to be getting a ramp for a wheelchair just in case. The house was put on the property last week. Again everyone went down and peeked in my windows. They all approved of our choice.

We are aware that our lives will be very different from what we are used to but that may not be a bad thing. We will definitely be growing as much of our food as we can. We do have two huge fields for just that purpose. I'm not sure all what we will grow but I will be sharing as we go.We will have chickens for eggs, a cow for milk, butter and cream, various animals for meat. I will be canning and although I have done that it was only that one time so there will still be lots to learn. We will take someone else's hard work from generations past and bring it up to speed to the modern world. One thing I am truly excited about is the possibility of living off the grid. Wouldn't that be awesome? Well we can daydream or we can get ready and that involves more packing and less computer time.

We have rented out both our houses here and it looks as if one may purchase in a year. We will see what happens. In the meantime dh has gotten diabetic shoes. He calls them old man shoes but looks fairly normal in them. Much better then when he is wearing those ugly hospital shoes. They are pretty dirty and there is no good way to clean them. Dh also got a walker. It is sleek and nice. There is a basket and a seat for you to take a break and really big wheels. He hasn't used it yet and I don't anticipate him doing so. I think it is a pride thing and he needs to be the one to use it.He has worn the diabetic shoes and was not so impressed. I think he needs to break them in.

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