Saturday, January 24, 2009

As the world turns

I feel like I have stepped into some sort of soap opera. I don't like drama one bit. I have a friend who has alot of drama and well I just cringe at seeing her number on my phone knowing full well I will be on it for an hour listening to the latest and greatest. I would be so happy with a boring life where nothing ever happens. Alas that is not what was intended for me and I have seen some things about myself that I do not like and others that I didn't realize I had and did like.

Hubs is doing better. After getting the amputation he has been sleeping better and in quite a bit less pain. Although I still think it is gross that he brought the finger home. I was so grateful that he was finally getting some rest that when he started getting less sleep I noticed. Now his toe is acting up. It looks as if half of the tip is gone on one side and looks all yellow and white like it has been soaking in water. The doctors want to do an bypass operation on his legs where they harvest veins from one to put into the other to improve circulation. This was told to us with the toe in mind. The doctor feels if it were to become necessary to amputate the toe that dh would not have enough circulation to let it heel and therefore they may need to take the entire foot. So that means they are doing the surgery in hopes of saving his foot but not necessarily his toe. I hope that made sense because the first time dh told me all this I had to have him explain it 3 different times. I wish I had gone to the appointment.

Dh doesn't want to have the surgery which adds even more drama. I mean why not they are talking about saving his foot. He hates the idea of the "cutting on him". His words. I get that it is scary but if someone told me that it could possibly save my foot I would do it. He is also concerned because he would have to stay at the hospital for a week and at home for about 3 weeks. He only has at most 3 weeks leave. I should say paid leave. He could take the whole month but for one week he would not be paid. I figured it out to be at about $1000 short on our pay. We have that in savings and well that is what savings is for right? Even if I had to charge our credit cards to make it up I would still be willing to do it in the hopes that he wouldn't have to loose his whole foot. kwim? The surgery was supposed to be done in January. Yup this month but dh has procrastinated the whole thing. The longer we put it off the more I look at my calendar and I count if he has the surgery this day he would be on a sort of bed rest till this day. And here is the part that comes out of me where I feel totally selfish about it. Our anniversary is in March and if he continues putting the surgery off I bet you anything that he would be on " bed rest" during our anniversary. It'll be 15 yrs this year so I really wanted to celebrate a bit. As it dawns closer I need only to wait and see what will happen . The bottom line is that I just want him around even if he is going to be missing a few body parts.

He has also started seeing a psychologist. The V.A. signed him up due to the amputation. The doc thinks hubs is depressed so he now also takes some antidepressant among the other wonderful meds he is taking. I swear my bathroom is being overtaken by meds and herbal remedies galore. They are everywhere and I had to get him baskets because it was driving me nuts having to make a gazillion trips to clear the counter so I could clean it. I suppose it is sort of humorous.

Dh has also come up with all sorts of elaborate stories to tell our grandchildren about his finger. He has had me rolling several times about the stories he comes up with. One would be he got into a fight with a shark and the shark bit it off. Another was he was picking his nose as a child and it got stuck up there so they had to cut it off. That one would be told as we see a grandchild picking their nose. I wonder if that would scare the crap out of them and make them cry. We may need to rethink that one. Another involved pointing the finger at someone else as doing said crime. This came about at our frustration that no one ever does anything in our house. When someone drinks the last bit of tea "no one did it". I suppose it's all in good fun but part of me watches dh to make sure he is okay.

A week ago or so dh came home with flu like symptoms. He went straight to bed and stayed there till the next day. Then he was fine. We talked about it and he thought it was due to the fact that he wasn't getting enough sleep....again. He did this a few months ago where he got really sick feeling for a day and layed down and slept for about a day and was fine after. So if I see him sleep I leave him alone. Even for church I feel horrid waking him because he simply isn't getting the amount of sleep he needs.
That's about it for our craziness. I hope your New Year is doing good.
